First Albumen Print
Recently, I decided to try albumen printing! What first got me into it was the fact that my dad has about 200 chickens on his Far View Ranch! Doing research on different printing techniques from George Eastman House historical process videos I came across albumen printing, which is of course eggs. I love the quality that albumen has and the detail it produces. I’ve always loved looking at photographs from the mid-1800s, it’s like looking back in another time.
I used the knowledge of Will Salley on YouTube and the book by Polish albumen printer, Radoslaw Brzozowski, and the website by Chad Jarvis.
It has been a fun, tedious and beautiful process. Having just started it two weeks ago, I have so much to learn! But I look forward to experimenting and creating art.
Here is a look at my first untoned albumen print from today, and the whole process from beginning to end. Didn’t photograph the actual silver sensitizing of the paper or exposure. Trying to find time to do it all I’d say the entire process took about two weeks.